How to Kick Start Your Career in Change Management
Aug 29, 2022
As a change leader I’m often asked how best to break into the change management profession... what skills and training should I undertake?
Change is all around us – and the understanding of change management and various models, have been available since the 1950’s – models like the Kubler-Ross grief cycle – are still referred to today.
And yet, we treat the profession of change management and the capabilities to lead change as if they are new, complex and full of mystic!
For an organisation, effective change management can accelerate you business outcomes whilst minimising disruption to your operations but more importantly reducing anxiety and stress on your employees as they face in..’yet another change!’
There are many global studies that have identified change management as the integral element to organisation success. Change Managers help organisations navigate through change and employees make sense of change. We do this by using various tools, skills and a wealth of experience.
Who wouldn’t want to be part of this dynamic and exciting profession? So how to you get started in Change Management?
To answer this, you need to know what’s needed to do well in change. An accomplished change manager has experience, change models, and methodologies in their “kitbag” and they draw on this an apply it as appropriate to their change environment. Each environment is different and each change is different. What you need to do is start filling your change manager “kitbag”.
Through our wealth of experience in change, ASPIRE have developed the ASPIRE ME Series, where you can participate in mentoring, coaching and development activities, that will assist you understand your current set of skills and experience and how they will aid you growing your change management career.
ASPIRE only does Change – we offer alternative training solutions to suit your situation – and these along with our ASPIRE ME – Mentor Me program can leapfrog you to your change role or challenge!
To be successful in change management you will need to:
- Understand the fundamentals of Change Management
- Gain skills in a Project and change environment
- Bring other business or IT skills to a change initiative (not everything is a project!)
- Define your experience and how it can aid you in change – you can do this by assessing what change competencies are required
- Contact ASPIRE for your private conversation
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Some suggestions on how to boost your change management career
- Attend local change management, project management, HR, training or Business Analyst professional development sessions – this will help broaden your understanding and network
- Seek formal training. Check out what ASPIRE recommends through our Training Options
- Seek out a mentor or join the ASPIRE ME for support